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Kelsey Carnell
SNHU Alternative Break
Winter 2014
SNHU Alternative Break was one of the most rewarding experience of my life. This was a trip through SNHU that I participated in within the last year. Going to Dominican Republic was my first time out of the country. Between the excitement, nerves and uncertainty of going to a foreign country without my family I was driven by service and so excited to help others better their lives. We went to Monte Cristi, DR for fourteen days of our winter break to teach English to students there. We ran camp, classes and taught academics to the students to help them achieve their dreams and how to live a life of choice.
This experience not only taught me a lot about myself, service, the world and brought us all back to reality. It was amazing to see the students that appreciate the simplest things such as a rock and stick, where as us Americans want the newest version of a baseball glove, or new iPhone. Enjoy the videos and pictures of an opportunity that I will never forget and one that changed my life forever.
The Outreach Association
Executive Board Member, SNHU
I was fortunate enough to be a part of the SNHU Outreach Association. This is a community service club that meets every other week and partakes in service on the off weeks. This club has helped me to continue my service and find my passion for helping others. We do service as simple as playing bingo with seniors to going to Pease International Airport and welcoming home soldiers. Outreach, as a club takes the members ideas along with ours and makes memorable service events happen. I was so impressed with this organization that I became a part of the executive board in order to become more active in the club and expand the clubs service activities.
Some non-profits that we work with are: Pease Greeters, New Horizons, Habitat for Humanity, Eliot Hospital, Live and Let Live Farm, Outfitters NH, Caregivers, NH Food Bank, Give A little Feed A Lot, Oxfam America, Manchester Animal Shelter and many more!
The University Conduct Board
Office of Student Affairs, SNHU
I was fortunate enough to be asked to be on the University Conduct Board. This is a hearing board that serves for any disciplinary cases on campus that need to be resolved with a board of staff, faculty and students. I have been on this board all four years of college.
Orientation Leader
Office of Student Involvement, SNHU
I have been an orientation leader for three years of college. The purpose of an Orientation Leader is to provide guidance and facilitate orientation activities for freshmen and transfer students during their first week of college. The position of Orientation Leader requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. Orientation leaders are expected to learn the most important aspects of the college, to facilitate positive interactions between families and first-year students, lead ice-breakers, conversations, be outgoing individuals and someone that is welcoming to their new home.
Peer Advising Leader (PAL)
Office of Academic Advising, SNHU
I have been an Peer Advising Leader for three years of college. The purpose of a (PAL) is to be a student mentor for incoming freshman to help them with course registration, general questions etc. I was hired to help first year students plan their educational path through their time at SNHU. Teach, facilitate and attend a SNHU experience class once a week along with an office hour. Connect new students with events going on around campus and help answer questions they might have.
Rotary International
Executive Board Member, Burlington
In high school, my passion for service started. I attended RYLA Camp that trains young student leaders how to use their own skills to lead other groups and be confident in their choices etc. This club sparked and inspired me to continue to lead and be involved throughout the rest of my life. I still go back to the Rotary Interact club even after college to speak to the students and help inspire and motivate them to be involved individuals.
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